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Find Out the Potential Sale Price of Your Rental Property

Let Metro Group Real Estate provide you a free estimate of your rental property value.


All you have to do is provide us your most recent annual income/expense statement and a current rent roll.  We will run our financial model and provide you an estimate of value based on the information you provide and current market data available at the time.


Please feel free to send your property data in any of the following manners:


Email to:

Fax to: 952.403.9099


or by completing this form, in Excel for email or fax: 


Note:  This is only a Broker Opinion of Value based on the information provided and should not be considered a full property appraisal.  Other factors in assessing value include property condition, location, comparable sales and comparable rentals.  If you are considering selling, Metro Group Real Estate will complete a property inspection. 

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